Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First, let's catch up...

Can you tell we are more focused on quilting than blogging?!!  It is shameful that we haven't posted since November. We are going to attempt to remember to post information and pictures here (no promises)! 

It’s been an exciting winter and spring! Since The Quilt Shop in Ballinger opened for business last fall, we have held about 10 classes on everything from beginning quilter classes to fabric bowls and tissue paper flowers (yes, we are crafters, too!). We have a great time in class and always learn something new. For more information on upcoming classes, give us a call or better yet, stop by and see us.

Here are some views of the store lately...

Have you heard we are now on Facebook? 'Like' us at https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/The-Quilt-Shop-in-Ballinger/544327812284177?fref=ts.

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